Kuwait Anesthesia & Critical Care Society

Best Practise Guidelines

With appreciation to:
© 2023, Ghadeer Zaid Al-Azemi, Dietary Services, General Ahmadi Hospital, Kuwait Oil Company.

For feedback please email: kaccs@kma.org.kw


To access the document please click on document below

PDFs: Nutrition Support Clinical Pathway- 2023

last updated on 22.10,2023

Clic on PDF below for details:

PDFs: 2023 SAD ETT compatability

1) The Internet Book of Critical Care (IBCC)


2) One page ICU



The Health Building Note (HBN) 04-02 provides guidance on designing critical care units, including bed space requirements and the location of a unit in a hospital. The document also describes the requirements for critical care of patients who are classified as needing advanced or level 2 or 3 dependency care: HBN_04-02_Final.pdf (england.nhs.uk)


Procedure specific postoperative pain management

Better Postoperative Pain Management - ESRA (esraeurope.org)


The Kuwait Anesthesia and Critical Care Society endorses the British Difficult Airway (DAS) Guidelines.

for more details, please refer to the official website:

DAS Guidelines Home | Difficult Airway Society

PDFs : Downloads | Difficult Airway Society (das.uk.com)

Last updated: 24.8.2023

PDFs: KOC DAS Phase 4 Unanticipated Dificult Intubation training